Monday, June 20, 2005

Hoo Drops the ball yet again....

So the first dream I did not report last week basically was Me and Sherp CHILLIN.....with dudes, one of whom was....wait for it....Brad Pitt. It was way rad, he thought we were funny as hell. Sherp definitely exceeded expectations for our first time meeting, and she gracefully endured my smelly feet, although she couldn't help giggling about them.

Last night's dream...well at this point I only remember the part that happened right before I woke up. This is one that I totally rue, because it was yet another in the "hoo gets rejected by men even in her own dreams" genre. It included a certain real life crush, visiting my sisters and I in this new condo(?). Everything was great until I started yelling at the neighbors for letting their kids come in and trash our new condo. They responded by calling me white trash, and I responded by yelling at them that I have a masters degree from UCLA (it's a lie, but how do they know?). Guess seeing that side of me kinda turned him off. The real killer is that I wouldn't have even had this part of my dream if I had got up and gone for a jog like I intended...untill I turned off the alarm and slept an extra hour. Double damn.


Anonymous said...

more dreams of me... cmon now, ladies...

Joy said...

smelly feet are funny.

Maybe your sub-con is just terrified of rejection. I know mine is. Of course, I think mine is terrified of Liam Neeson.....

Joy said...

I bet Pauly loves smelly feet.

Anonymous said...

are there trailers in L.A? this just sounds appropriate ;)

HOO said...

Now here's a doozy....what does it mean when a guy rejects you in your dream, but in real life adds you to his friends list on linkup on the very next day?

Anonymous said...

ive added people to linkup and removed them the same week ;)