Friday, November 04, 2005

Could have done without that one.

So the dream last night was that my ex-something created a linkup profile because our mutual friend told him about the site. I was embarrassed that he'd read my profile because I'm fat. Now that I'm not in the reverie of dreamland, I can't tell you how many things are wrong with this scenario. One, the guy is married so I seriously doubt that he'd make a linkup profile; if he did because he was looking to "date"...who needs him! I will never reward a cheater. Two, if, indeed I am feeling fat, you can't tell it by looking at my profile picture, that's for sure. Three...I could give a crap about this guy! I haven't thought about him in years.

On a related note...notice how Ruby's dreams are all about Grandparents and soccerballs and Trader Joes? Things that have nothing to do with relationships/dudes. Another reason I envy the Ruby.


Anonymous said...

You could have an affair with Ruby's grandparents on a soccer field...

HOO said...

You're so helpful.

Joy said...

almost all of my grandparents are dead so.........