Friday, September 30, 2005

It's official. I had another losing my teeth dream. In this one I had a loose tooth that I was wiggling and it just came right out. It wasn't painful, but I could see a tooth underneath. Even though it was just a minute detail in my dream...We all know what that means! Classic "loss of power" metaphor. The interesting twists being...I pulled it out myself, meaning I'm the one making myself powerless; and there was what looked like another tooth poking out below, which would indicate slow development....just now getting my adult teeth at 30! Again proof that dreams don't really tell us anything that we didn't know to begin with.


Anonymous said...

Losing teeth in dreams are symbolic of a worry of money. The fact that you see a tooth growing under means there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Imaginair' said...

it is very interesting to remember its dreams....

aisy said...

how do you remember your dreams? i'm lucky if i remember one a month...

HOO said...

Remembering dreams is like everything else, you have to do it to do it. Granted, I think on my parts it's genetic, because my dad always talks about his kooky dreams too. But I know for sure from feedback from other non-rememberers...once you have remembering them as an intention, it becomes easier.

You might try by keeping a quick dream diary every morning, or just repeating the "story" of your dream to yourself right as you wake up. I've also found that the later in the day it is, the less detail you can remember. Hope this helps! If you really want, you can blog along on our blog...just contact Ruby G.