Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bleh. I had a nightmare last night. I dreamt a few days ago that a relative of mine told me that he had sex while he was on the mission. Last night, I dreamt I was mission comps with this relative of mine. We lived in our neighbor's house in vernal and his girlfriend lived in the house too. This relative of mine confessed that he had sex a few days ago. I told him to tell the mission president, he agreed and then we hugged.

Moral of the Story: Don't read "Miracle of Forgiveness" right before you sleep. It'll give you seriously demented dreams.


HOO said...

I heart you so much that you are reading Miracle of Forgiveness right now!

Joy said...

its a coincidence...but ironically through all that's happened I was on the, "forgive others" chapters. Serious coincidence. Or not.